“I bought gray Dickies shirt and pants and tye dyed them in brown dye. They looked really bad, until you got into the woods. I finally decided that it would be easier for me to look like something that belongs in the woods instead of trying to completely disappear, so how about a tree trunk. So over the gray/brown base I used odorless markers to create segments that would resemble tree bark.” - Jim Crumley
TREBARK has always held a special place in my heart. I remember my dad wearing Trebark to go chase turkeys when I was little. When I found these hat blanks at the Camo Retro booth at NWTF this year, I knew that I not only had to have them, but I needed to do something special with them. What better than an original Edward Crumb turkey parody patch?
these hats are New Old Stock “K-Products” TREBARK pattern with a limited edition 2.5” Keep on Struttin’ patch sewn on to the front. Only 6 available, so don’t hesitate.
“I bought gray Dickies shirt and pants and tye dyed them in brown dye. They looked really bad, until you got into the woods. I finally decided that it would be easier for me to look like something that belongs in the woods instead of trying to completely disappear, so how about a tree trunk. So over the gray/brown base I used odorless markers to create segments that would resemble tree bark.” - Jim Crumley
TREBARK has always held a special place in my heart. I remember my dad wearing Trebark to go chase turkeys when I was little. When I found these hat blanks at the Camo Retro booth at NWTF this year, I knew that I not only had to have them, but I needed to do something special with them. What better than an original Edward Crumb turkey parody patch?
these hats are New Old Stock “K-Products” TREBARK pattern with a limited edition 2.5” Keep on Struttin’ patch sewn on to the front. Only 6 available, so don’t hesitate.
“I bought gray Dickies shirt and pants and tye dyed them in brown dye. They looked really bad, until you got into the woods. I finally decided that it would be easier for me to look like something that belongs in the woods instead of trying to completely disappear, so how about a tree trunk. So over the gray/brown base I used odorless markers to create segments that would resemble tree bark.” - Jim Crumley
TREBARK has always held a special place in my heart. I remember my dad wearing Trebark to go chase turkeys when I was little. When I found these hat blanks at the Camo Retro booth at NWTF this year, I knew that I not only had to have them, but I needed to do something special with them. What better than an original Edward Crumb turkey parody patch?
these hats are New Old Stock “K-Products” TREBARK pattern with a limited edition 2.5” Keep on Struttin’ patch sewn on to the front. Only 6 available, so don’t hesitate.